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Updated: Dec 15, 2020

For more than 20 years, Pantone has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries, including fashion, interior and industrial design, as well as product packaging and graphic design.

Pantone revealed that Illuminating - a bright yellow hue - and Ultimate Gray are its 2021 Colors of the Year, both representing unity, stability and hope.

Pantone Col. 13-0647 TCX: Illuminating

The bright yellow hue is meant to evoke hope and optimism after the crazy year 2020 has been. The color goes along with Pantone’s second color of 2021, Ultimate Gray. It’s said to represent the sun shining as clouds dissipate.

Pantone Color 17-5104 TCX: Ultimate Gray

Pantone’s second color of the year is said to represent dependability, as community and camaraderie became crucial during this pandemic. Paired with Illuminating, the hues convey the message of unity, stability and hope.

Now that you know the colors of the year, what’s your opinion? Will you be encouraged to use it? If you liked the theme, please share this information with your friends.

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